Friday, October 2, 2009

CNN Heroes and Vacation

I just added a link to the side bar where you can vote for the 2009 CNN Heroes. Their stories are amazing. You can vote as many times as you want. I watched the telecast last night announcing who the top 10 were this year and several of the stories had me in tears. It made me feel like my problems are just dust in the wind...

We just got back from a week in a Tennessee cabin. Weather wasn't great but it wasn't too bad either. Had some overcast skies but that helped keep the heat down so it was a fair trade. Besides, clouds didn't keep me out of the Hot Tub! Here's a picture I took of the view from the deck.

Our cabin was at the top of Bluff Mountain and very private. We had a couple deer that wandered up in to the yard but mostly it was just the squirrels trying to act like monkeys as they jumped from tree to tree. It was a little daunting when we discovered a pretty good size snake skin that was shed near the front of the cabin....creepy! Was glad the owner never paid a visit to us lol! We did some driving around and walked some of the trails. I love mountain streams and took a lot of pictures of the water and foliage. Here's a few of them...

This one is of a flower that was out in front of the cabin.

The next 2 are my favorites...

These both look better when enlarged as desktop wallpaper :) I got chills the first time a saw the larger print of the one with the sunlight. Hubby took it out the window of the truck. It was like God was reaching down to the water or at least an angel. It was nice to get away for a short time. It had been 6 years since our last vacation so we were overdue.

Have to go....don't forget to vote....until next post...

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