Monday, November 17, 2008

Has it really been that long....

since I posted!!? Lots going on around here and it's only going to get busier...

Let me see if I can sum up what's been going on. Busy at work and at home pretty much takes care of that! :P I did some babysitting off and on for all 4 of the grandkids and got the 'mother of all colds' since they each had some symptoms of one kind or an other I don't know who to blame it on. So they all get and equal share. On top of that, the weather went from 74 one day to 42 the next a couple weeks back. That kind of drastic change will make you sick also so who knows.

I do know that our Momma Tiger cat had a litter of kittens 4-5 weeks ago. She keeps them hidden so not sure how many she had. I do know there is: 1 dark tiger (daughter saw it), 1 black with a small patch of white on it's chest (under the bush with Momma one day when I came home and gone before I could get ahold of it...grrr) and a gray tiger (saw it with the Momma) She must be trying to show them where their next food source is because she keeps bringing them up to porch one at a time. She ran off and left the baby on the porch so I brought it in the house and then watched for Momma to come back. She came back to get it and was having a hard time getting it to follow her. She finally left it up by porch so I went out and got the baby and carried it out to the barn where I'd seen the Momma go. Sure enough she was in the barn so I left the kitten and didn't see it again until last weds. night.

Last weds., after work, I agreed to babysit Faith and Lilly. It was getting dark out just as I got home but when I got out of the car I could hear a kitten crying. It was pouring down rain and temps. had dropped into the low 40's. I took a flashlight outside and started following the sound until I found the gray tiger kitten. (I'm positive this isn't where I picked up my cold lol) It was sopping wet and shivering with cold or fear or both. So I dried it off and kept a watch for 'her' Momma. There was too much going and coming from the house and the Momma cat never came back up. When I tried to take it to the barn, she wasn't to be found either. To make a long story short, the Momma cat never came up looking for the baby that I saw. Then I worked the next day and the next day... and before long it was the weekend and I knew enough time had passed that the Momma wasn't going to come looking and even if she did she may not take it back because it had be so long.

So, now we have a kitten in the house again. Thank goodness it was old enough to eat moist kitty food! And it held off going potty until I put her in the litterbox! What a smart kitty! I used this arguement on the Hubby. Once, long ago, when we first moved into our little farmhouse someone dumped a gray kitten off. I remember telling him at that time that 'all gray' cats were rare. He bought it and we kept the kitten, named Shadow. I'm sure he knew better but the kids really thought it was funny! When I left for work this morning, there was the Hubby and the kitty playing on the couch together! :) All's well that end's well! ;) I do have pictures but I haven't downloaded them from the camera yet. Will post them when I do.

Also, I'm a big fan of Dancing With the Stars. My sister Kay sent me an email with a picture of a couple that may or may not be contestants next season. What do you think?

I just thought this was hilarious!! And a damn good job of photo manipulation!! Off to think up kitty names....

Until next post...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Obama

The Next Residents of the White House:

What an amazing election this was! Whoever won was going to make history. I will admit that both McCan's concession speech and Obama's acceptance speech brought tears to my eyes. Even before the speeches, as the camera panned the crowd in Chicago, I was awed by the diversity of citizen's standing side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder sharing one goal i found myself reaching for a tissue. There was one camera shot that showed an elderly black male with awe on his face, a middle aged white woman with tears of joy, a young black mother hugging a small child tightly with huge smiles on both their faces and a older white man who looked to be on the upper side of middle class all in one frame! Now how awesome is that, I ask?!! This nation has come along way, baby!!

Here, in Indiana, history was made also. This election was the first time Indiana voted Democrat since 1964! I'm a registered Democrat but often vote for Republican candidates. I believe you should vote for WHO you think will do the better job not just vote your party. I agonized, studied, play devil's advocate for both sides and was still debating in my head as I stood in line to vote yesterday. They let me off work early because of reports of long lines. Man, were they right! From the time I got in line until I exited the poll, it was just over 2 hours!! I've never seen lines or turn outs so HUGE!!! And remember I live in the boonies here! LOL

I know things won't change overnight or even quickly, for that matter. I honestly believe that in the long run, things will get better. Beside, we're going to have kids in the White House again!! For some reason that just makes me smile!

Until next post....