Thursday, July 3, 2008

More on the sick kitty

Thanks Movie Star Wife, I did get some formula but now she's not eating. She ate very good Saturday through Tuesday but now I'm using the syringe to dribble some in her mouth and she will swallow it. Last night was a turning point I think. It may have been too little, too late. She did NOT do good last night! She is the runt of the litter and her momma turned her back on her so maybe she knew something we didn't. They say animals know when things aren't right but I'm trying to get her to hang in there. Around 4am she started meowing so I got up to feed her but she wouldn't eat and seemed to only settle down because I was holding her. At 5am I just snuggled her up and went back to bed with her. So afraid she will be gone by the time I get home from work. She's very weak and isn't trying to stand up or eat at all this morning. I don't want to be here at work and I can't quit tearing up :( My mascara is in ruins. It's a 30 minute drive home so I can't even go check on her at lunch....even though I know I'm going to be useless here at work.

Between the Momma cats (3) and all the babies we must have almost 20 cats but this 1 little girl is breaking my heart. I can't stand to see anything suffer although she doesn't appear to be in pain, just weak and dehydrated. Plenty for you to chose from, Shakes (wink). Almost all of them are black. There's one gray, one charcoal, a tiger momma that had 2 tiger and 1 black. The sick girl is one of her tiger babies.

I planned to post pictures last night of the kitty and Maggie's birthday party but I ended up spending most of the evening with the kitty. I will get them posted soon. My Mom just called and she and my younger sister, Kay, want to take me to lunch for my birthday, 51 yikes! I'm a firecracker so I have always gotten my birthday off work :) Hubby asked me last night what I wanted for my birthday but I really have nothing in mind. He said, "Well, I can't get you tickets for the Brickyard for this year." I laughed and said, "Well, that was a once in a life time thing." My parents got me Suite tickets to the Brickyard race last year for my big 5 0 and found a lot 1-1/2 blocks from the Indianapolis Speedway to park their motor home (condo on wheels) for 4 days. Was absolutely heaven for a NASCAR fan!

Hopefully with tomorrow being a holiday they will let us leave work early today! Tomorrow will be bittersweet as it is. It will be 2 years tomorrow since I heard my brother's voice. He had called to wish me happy birthday. Seven weeks later, on his birthday, he suffered an aneurysm. He was 57.
Geesh, I'm maudlin today! Guess that's what happens when menopause hits Depp depression and exhaustion! A train wreck!! I need hormones or sleep lol either or both! Time to wipe off my sad face and get to work. I'll go surf the Johnny Depp sites, that always cheers me up. I do want to put some shortcuts up for a poll that Johnny and Vanessa are in at Hello!

Most Attractive Man/Monthly Poll on Hello! To vote for Johnny go here:
Also, Vanessa is up for Most Attractive Female/Monthly. Go here to vote:

Both are leading so keep voting! No interesting This Day in History today so I'll skip that. No major earthquakes and the volcanoes I keep an eye on are still doing about the same.

Will try to post over weekend and I will update on the kitty. Have a great weekend everyone and a safe Holiday!


I just called her Baby but she didn't make it through the day. We buried her under the pine tree where we saw her with her momma a couple weeks ago.


shakenbsis said...

I feel broken-hearted... poor Baby!

My mom is a 4th of July girl too...

oh, I'm soooo sad ;(

Suz said...

Ohhh, I'm sorry. I'm also broken-hearted. :(


At least you tried. Good job on that!

shakenbsis said...

Sorry Karen, I was a little grief stricken... I'm so glad little baby got to receive some love and affection in this world (from you) before passing on...


Osh said...

well now I am a crying.
thank you for taking care of her until it was her time to go.