Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well, I got to work today fully intending to buzz the Internet for news and tidbits to post here (while on their time, shhh) and bam! I ended up having all kinds of work to do! Now I ask, What's up with that! Work at work!? The nerve of them. So I multi-tasked, check out a web site, do some invoicing, make notes for blog. I ended up with a whole page of things I would post about and what do I do? Leave the note at work! sigh! So guess I'll just have to wing it.

While fixing supper, I check the comments at Rod's (Public Enemies-Columbus, link at right)place and viola'...something to post. Kitty pictures! Thanks Jenny! Cracks me up that everyone over there wants a black kitty and I have 10 black ones all together! lol Ribs are in the oven so I grab my camera and run out to the wood shed to try to snap a few pictures. If they're within in eyesight! Momma keeps them tucked back in the wood where it's safer. She moved them from the barn loft just a couple days ago. When they get big enough and she's tired of nursing she will bring her brood up to the back porch to show them where their next food source is.

I grabbed a dangle toy to entice them out and tried to be quiet as I got close but Momma saw me from her guard post and began meowing. Stoolie!! The kittens were all huddled up together sleeping away. I was able to grab this shot before they scattered.

They all scrambled up and ran back behind the wood. So I started playing with Momma trying to get them used to me being there. She was chasing the toy around and scratching on the wood. She started 'talking' and looking to the corner. She wasn't meowing but making these humming noises and looking toward the corner. Sure enough, little heads started popping up. Only 4 of them ventured out to investigate but it was evident that she wanted them to come out so she could show them off. She's a good Momma and very proud.

The flash seemed to freak them out so I didn't torture them to much tonight. We try not to domesticate them to much so they hone their survival instincts for living outdoors. They, like the litters before them, get a kick out of the peacock! They've only been around it for 2 days and already they chase his feathers and play hide-and-seek with each other under his train when it's down. He came up to see what I was doing and I snapped this one of him coming up to the porch.

It's like having a rooster around only he's 10 times louder. Right around daybreak every morning he starts his honking. Each time a vehicle is coming down the road it's "Honk...Awk, Awk Awwwwk!! Like a dang watchdog! lol and this goes on most of the day until sunset. We're kind of to the point now that we just shrug and be thankful he gives us a honk to warns us he's about to get loud!
Getting late here so I better sign-off. I need to make a few Internet fly-bys before I hit the sack and await tomorrows honking lol Take care and have a safe weekend everyone!

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