Monday, August 18, 2008

Fay and the Olympics

Meant to post earlier but I got to watching my Key West camera at Sloppy Joe's and I lost track of time. If anyone wants to check it out go here. Once there you can also click the 'Crowd Cam' and it's a camera they put on the roof. (For as long as it last) Had been a long time since I checked out this website. I used to have it up everyday watching for my brother to pass by and wave :) When I first got to work today and started watching, it just look like it had been raining and quit. Just some of Fay's outer bands going through. Soon you could tell the wind had kicked up and the rain started. Now, in a matter of minutes, the water in the road is up over the sidewalk. I had some very, very good times in Key West!! I didn't get to attend any hurricane parties (Thank God!!) but people down there seem to take them in stride.

OMG! just in the time it took me to type this much, it's up over people's ankles now!! For any of you that don't know, Key West's highest (and I stress...highest) is only 24 inches above sea level!! I haven't heard how high the storm surge for Fay is. Or even if Key West is in the path of the storm surge. Check it out!

On the home front, Jack was back in the emergency room last night. I wish Amanda would have called me but she didn't want to drag us out at 2am :( He keeps getting these fevers that spike. Saturday his fever went up to 106.3. I was on my way to their house (we only live 5 miles from them) to watch Maggie so they could take him into ER because he had a 105 temp. When it hit 106 they put him in the tub and the fever broke. He hadn't eaten and when he did it didn't stay down so they could give him any meds. When I showed him 'MawMaw's Cheez-it's he wanted some and we gladly let him. He ate a pretty good handful so we got some Motrin down him. The fever stayed down until late last night/early morning. He has strep throat again!! They gave them a stronger antibiotic so hopefully it will get it cleared up and out of his system!!

In the midst of all that...WOW go Phelps!! What an amazing athlete. And I just love watching his Mom's reactions. I thought one of the American girls would take home gold in the final gymnastics then the Romanian girl did her floor event and man did she nail it!! She really deserves the gold. I really felt bad for the Chinese girl. She knows she could have done better but some days you're just off. Then again I can't stand to see someone cry.

Update on Key West camera view: rain has stopped for now and water has gone down. It's still over the sidewalk but not by much.

Ok, I gotta get some work done so it's a short post today. Take care! Until next post.....

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